If dimensions (department, project, etc.) are used in the company's Acubiz solution, per. account, various requirements are set as to whether an end user is required to fill in these dimensions at the time of settlement. There may be situations where the requirements are different per. account and thus individual setup can be done in the chart of accounts.
Setting up dimensions on specific account
The following setup can be done on all the cost types used in Acubiz. The dimension setup per. account applies to the method an end user can make a settlement of his expenses.
The setup below is per. expense type!
Visible dimension
Here you select whether the level of each dimension should be visible to the end user. In this case, this cost type is set up with visible department dimension, but with hidden project dimension.
Note that this setup option only applies to the experience in Acubiz One (App).
Editable dimension
Here you select whether it is possible for the end user to make an edit (change) of the dimension value. In this case, the DEPARTMENT dimension is visible to users and can be edited. The project dimension is not visible which is why the edit setting does not apply.
Here, the department's dimension is visible, but cannot be changed by the end user. However, this requires that the dimension department is set on the user's master data.
Note that this setup option only applies to the experience in Acubiz One (App).
Mandatory dimension
It is possible to specify whether it is mandatory for the end user to specify a dimension value. Below, there is no requirement for the user to complete the department dimension.
But here there are requirements that the department dimension must be filled in:
Default values on dimension
In special cases, it may make sense to specify a specific dimension value for a cost type. It could be the account for IT-Hardware that all costs on this account always have to be on the IT department even if the user comes from another department. Since the user does not have to / can remember that IT costs always have to be borne by the IT department, this function can help with this.
Set YES to "Set default" on the department dimension and press SET DEFAULT.
Then select the department that should be the default (IT department)
Now the default value of the IT-Hardware account will always be with department (592) IT department.
Note that this setup option only applies to the experience in Acubiz One (App).
The changes will take effect immediately.
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