In Acubiz, more advanced searches can be made than those directly available through the search form itself, based on selected criterias.
Search for expenses via the web interface
The Search for field can be used for advanced searches that search for specific values
All transactions in Acubiz contain fields of values ... these are fields that can be searched for. Syntax for search on a field is:
Article overview:
- Search for dimensions that are closed / deactivated
- Search for e-transactions with specific type code
- Search for costs approved by:
- Search for costs approved by manager within a period
- Search for costs approved in FINANCE within a period
- Search for costs approved in FINANCE by:
- Costs included in payroll-file:
- Search for cash withdrawals
- Costs that have broken Company Policy
Search for dimensions that are closed / deactivated
In the search form only searches can be made on open dimension values, as only those appear in the selection list itself. But the following will search for transactions that contain the value on a closed dimension (Department, Project, etc). The following examples have the following setup:
Dim1 = Department
Dim2 = Projects
Search for: [Dim1]="12345"
Search for: [Dim2]="9000"
Search for e-transactions with specific type code
Searching on single type code: [ExpenseCode_fi]="6010"
Searching for multiple type codes: [ExpenseCode_fi]="6010"|[ExpenseCode_fi]="6011"
Search for costs approved by:
The syntax for this search is:
Approvers full name is the combination of the First Name and Last Name on employee master data. This requires ADMIN access to see this.
The above will be as follows:
Search for: [ConfirmedBy_fi]="Darth Vader (BBB)"
Search for costs approved by manager within a period
Specify these values with the data range you need
[ConfirmedDate_fi]>=12-05-2023 & [ConfirmedDate_fi]<=13-06-2023
Search for costs approved in FINANCE within a period
Specify these values with the data range you need
[ConfirmedDateFinance_fi]>=12-05-2023 & [ConfirmedDateFinance_fi]<=13-06-2023
Search for costs approved in FINANCE by:
The syntax for this search is: [ConfirmedByFinance_fi]="FULL NAME IN ACUBIZ"
The full name of the Finance users is the combination of the First Name and Last Name on employee master data. This requires ADMIN access to see this.
Search for: [ConfirmedByFinance_fi]="Master Yoda (DDD)"
Costs included in payroll-file:
This can be used by employees to check if their costs are included in a payroll-file from Acubiz..
Search for: [EXPORTEDSALARY_FI]="Yes"
Search for cash withdrawals
Search for: [ADVANCETYPE_FI]=1
Costs that have broken Company Policy
This feature requires CPM (Company Policy Manager) to be purchased and activated in your Acubiz EMS solution: This feature has to be activated on the expensetype (i.e. "Representation")
If this amount per. participant is exceeded it will return a search result with the below searchstring:
Search for: [PolicyBreak1_fi]="1"
Search for. credit card transactions that are privately paid
Use this search parameter to find transactions that are privately paid (transactions where the user himself pays the invoice for consumption on the card).
Search for [PrivateCard_fi]="1"
And vice versa if it is only company-paid credit cards.
Search for [PrivateCard_fi]="0"
This may be relevant in connection with customers who use both types of credit cards in the same solution (Company)
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