This feature requires Acubiz version 7.33. |
In accordance with the DPA and applicable legislation, customer data is stored for a period of 5 + 1 years (current year) by default but can be changed as needed. After this period, Acubiz has the right to delete the customer's data in the solution. With the new version 7.33 of the Acubiz solution, it is now possible to perform automatic deletion of data. Acubiz needs necessary information for correct configuration.
Important: |
This article covers functions that can only be performed by an Acubiz Pro user with the administrator role. |
Contents of this article:
- Multiple companies in Acubiz
- Completion of legal information
- Completion of accounting information
- Deletion based on financial year
- Deletion based on fixed period
- Which data is deleted:
- Data deletion example
Multiple companies in Acubiz
If your Acubiz solution contains several companies, these steps must be completed in each company as the deletion process applies per company in Acubiz. This is important as there may be different legal ownership, accounting periods and regulatory requirements based on company type and/or region. The customer is responsible for the exact rules for the individual company.
Completion of legal information
Go to Administrator and then to Company settings
Then select Company Information
The legal information section is filled in with the company name and CVR/VAT number of the specific company
Press save when the information is updated correctly.
Completion of accounting information
Select the person(s) who is the accounting officer in the specific company.
Deletion based on financial year
This will be the most frequently used model.
Elements for correct completion
Financial year
- Enter the day+month for when the company's financial year starts
- Enter the day+month for when the company's financial year ends
Keep data in Acubiz
- The number of accounting periods to be retained is selected here.
NOTE: If the accounting period is shorter than 12 months, this field must be completed with several periods to obtain, for example, 5 years + the current accounting period.
Note the box with the analysis of the period:
Dette giver en god indikator for hvornår data bliver slettet og beholdt.
- The number of accounting periods to be retained is selected here.
Press save when the information is entered and checked correctly.
Which data is deleted:
- Cash expenses
- Credit Card transactions
- Mileages
- Per diems/Travel allowances
- Expense Reports
- Requisitions
- Cash advances
- Unit enclosures
Invoice (IMS)
- Supplier/vendor invoices
- Time registrations
- Exportrapports
- Inactive users based on the inactivation date.
Receipt files/attachments
- Including PDF, PNG, JPG files which are attached/attached to one of the above transaction types
Data deletion example
Company A, whose accounting period runs from 1 January to 31 December. In the new year, January 2, 2024, the company has a contract that requires deletion of data after 5 + (1) years. This means that data that was exported before 1 January 2019 must be deleted. This applies to all data categories (See Which data is deleted:)
When data is deleted from the creation of the Acubiz solution to 31 December 2018, the next deletion process will only include data from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, as we are now in the financial year 2025.
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