Clock in/out time:
You enter your clock in/out time by clicking on the pencil in today's column, which opens a pop-up window. Here, you can enter one or more clock in/out times for the day.
For each entered clock in/out time, you can also add a comment or specify a reason code.
The reason code will determine whether there should be an automatic calculation of supplements for that particular clock in/out time.
Another reason determines where you are working from (At the office, Working from home, or elsewhere).
You enter the clock in/out time by typing the time you arrived in the From field and the time you left in the To field. You can also choose to click on the Set Time button, which inserts the current time when you click the button.
In the Reason field, you can select Work Hours, Training, and Overtime. Overtime is only used after an agreement with your immediate manager.
In the Another Reason field, you choose whether you are working at the office, working from home, or elsewhere (elsewhere could be that you are on a course).
When you are done, press the Save button.
If you want to enter another clock in/out time on the same day, click on New, and you can create another line.
Now you can allocate your working hours to the activities you have worked on.
As you can see from the above image, the input screen functions similar to a spreadsheet where rows and columns are totaled. In the columns marked in red, for each day, you can always see the number of hours you have left to register. This is visible in the Difference row (time spent - working hours). As shown in the example, registration is incomplete on both the 22nd and 25th.
You can also see that the system has automatically calculated overtime in the row marked in blue because overtime has been recorded through clock in/out times with the selected reason Overtime.
Looking at the rows, you can see the total consumption for different tasks during the week, as well as flexibility and overtime in the total column.
All numbers are saved every time you move from one field to another, and all relevant calculations are updated simultaneously.
You can switch the view to daily, weekly, or monthly schedules, and the totals will reflect the changes in the view.
This is how you register absences in mTIME.
You can enter absences either through the absence registration screen or as usual, through the regular registration screen. When entering through the regular screen, you can only register absences on accounts that do not require your manager's approval. Absence accounts that require approval will be locked in the registration screen.
If you enter absences through the regular screen, they will always be considered single days and saved normally in mTIME. If your entry causes the account to fall below the allowed limit, it will be rejected.
You must always register periods and single days that require approval in the absence screen. These registrations will only be saved normally in mTIME after approval from your manager.
How can I see if my absence requires approval?
When selecting the type of absence in the activity list, you can tell if it requires approval from your manager based on the color. All absences marked in orange/yellow will require approval.
The absence screen
Here are the guidelines and rules for entering absences in the absence screen:
- There can't be two periods within the same day on the same absence account.
- If the "Normal Hours" checkbox is selected, the "Hours" field becomes inactive.
- If the "Robot" checkbox is selected, the "To Date" field will be inactive.
- When using the "Hours" field, the "To Date" field will be inactive and set to the same date as the "From Date" field.
- The "Comment" field is displayed if an existing period is selected and has one or more associated comments.
- In the "Hours" field, you should not be able to enter more than 24 hours per day.
- Only one robot user can be attached.
- The "From Date" and "To Date" fields must contain a valid date in the format "DD-MM-YYYY".
- The "Hours" field must contain a positive numeric value. If mTIME is set to hours/decimals, only a comma can be used as a separator between hours and decimals. If mTIME is set to hours/minutes, only a period can be used as a separator between hours and minutes.
- A comment can be entered and edited subsequently if the status has not changed or if another person has not added a comment in the meantime.
- If "Clock in/out time as normal hours" is enabled, the recorded clock in/out time becomes the normal hours. This is mainly used for employees with a 0-normal hours.
- For partial sick leave, the "Hours" field can be used to specify the number of hours the person is sick for.
Status fields in the absence overview
In the upper part of the schedule, you will find an overview containing the absence accounts that you are authorized to use according to your employment terms. The overview is always displayed for one month at a time.
This icon indicates, that a robot has been assigned to the absence account. The robot function can be deleted by clicking on the icon.
The icon indicates that your requested absence requires manager approval. By clicking on the icon, you will be able to see the start and end dates of the requested absence period that has not been approved yet.
If multiple periods have been requested, the next upcoming period will be displayed after the top date. The values of the status fields are shown based on your current situation, reflecting the current date regardless of the period you are viewing.
This is how you request an absence that needs approval.
You request for absence in the lower part of the absence overview. There, you can enter the period in the fields "From date" and "To date."
After that, you can choose the type of absence. In the above example, vacation with pay has been selected. Since vacation is settled in whole days, it should be classified as Standard Time and Full day.
You can then choose to add a comment to your request. Your manager will read this comment when processing your application.
Finally, you need to click on "Save" to save your application. When you save, an email is simultaneously sent to your manager, informing them that you have submitted an absence request.
After saving, you can view your request in the absence overview marked in yellow. If you have applied for Vacation with Pay (Concurrent Vacation), the usage can already be seen in the vacation projection view in your statement.
As you can see, there is a Flag next to your request. This means that the application has been sent but not yet approved. Once your manager approves your absence, you will see that the request has changed color to green.
Simultaneously, the days will also have been recorded in your regular time tracking window.
Colors that can be specified in the absence registration view.
A period is seen as a whole, therefore the days within the period will always have the same color/status, including weekends and holidays if they are included in the period.
If the current date has passed the start date of the period, the following will occur:
- The color on line 5 in the image above will change to the color on line 1.
- The color on line 4 in the image above will change to the color on line 3.
- The color on line 2 in the image above will change to the color on line 3.
Absence registration for a single day
If the period only spans 1 day (with the same start and end date), you can specify a number of hours that is less than the standard time for the day.
For registrations that are not for a full day, the color will fill a smaller part of the cell height (see the figure below).
The breakdown will be in 1/1, 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 registration, and it will be rounded relative to the standard time for the day. It will always round up to the nearest "quarter."
Statement - Overview
When the month is filled with time tracking, it is now time to close the month. It is important that you remember to approve your statement. Your approval triggers several actions:
- The month is locked, and you can no longer make changes to your entries.
- The month's closing balances on your statement accounts become the opening balances for the following month's statement.
- Your vacation days are credited and can be used from the next month.
- Payment of hourly wages, allowances, etc., is sent for approval to your manager. Once your manager approves it, payment is usually made at the end of the month with your salary.
- Automatic credits and transfers occur when you approve your statement.
How to approve your month in mTIME
Statement view: [description of the view or steps needed for approval]
Go to Statement → Overview. Select the month that you need to approve and click the Update button. Check that all the numbers look correct in the Statement section (Concurrent vacation is credited only when the month is user-approved). Click the User Approve button.
Vacation Forecast:
- You can see the ongoing accumulation of vacation days per month.
- You can track your usage (it is possible to expand the column and see which month and vacation year the usage belongs to).
- You can see your balance as it will appear per approved month's statement (it is possible to expand the column and see which month and vacation year the accumulation belongs to).
- You can see vacation that needs to be taken in the current vacation period. It is indicated in the Balance to expiry column; the vacation will expire if there is no transfer to the next vacation period or payment of remaining vacation.
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