Acubiz is a system where a Pro user can specify which roles individual users must hold. This article deals with the following user profiles with associated roles in Acubiz.
Standard-userAcubiz roles are described below, which mean that a user is designated as a standard user in Acubiz. A standard user license is a user with roles based on a combination of one or more of the roles below. |
All users created in Acubiz are automatically assigned the role of Employee.
It is not a role that can be removed, but the role gives the employee right to make settlements in Acubiz and log into Acubiz appen.
Being assigned the approver role means that the user can be added as an approver for other users. To become an approver for a user, you must be added as an approver for a user. How to change approver on a user >>
If you have been added as an approver for one (or more) employees, you will receive all costs from these employees, for approval. An approver who receives the cost of approval may have several checkpoints before approving or rejecting.
- Is it a business related expense?
- Is the expense within the agreed framework - and thus in order?
- Is there correct documentation for the expenses (receipts)?
- Are the costs correctly dimensioned (department, project, etc.)?
Of course, there may be more or fewer checkpoints for an approver than the above, but the principle is that the approver must relate to the costs the employee submits for approval.
It is important that the approver actually checks the points that are expected, as pressing the APPROVE button is explicitly a managerial approval. There is a responsibility! |
An approver has the following options:
- Standard Acubiz feature
- Approve expenses
- Reject expenses (back to the employee with a message)
- Acubiz purchasing features
- Move the cost to another approver
- Edit expenses
The secretary role can be given to users who have to make settlements on behalf of another person. When a user is assigned to the secretary role, the same user must be activated as secretary for the users for whom you are to be secretary.
How to:
- ... an administrator adds a secretary to a user >>
- ... a secretary works on behalf of another in Acubiz app >>
Pro-userAcubiz roles are described below which mean that a user is designated as a Pro user in Acubiz. A Pro-user license is a user with roles based on a combination of one or more of the roles below. At least one of the roles below will make a user profile a Pro user in Acubiz. |
Finance role
A financial user works exclusively via the web interface with his financial tasks. If a financial user is to settle expenses, the Acubiz app must be used
The Finance role are assigned to those users that will verify the settlements that are made by employees and approved by an approver, before settling shall be exported to the ERP system for accounting.
The finance role contains the following areas:
Final approval
- Must approve all approved expenses from employees
- Can make changes to the approved expenses
- Can reject approved settlements - back to the employee or the approver.
- Can check the documentation of all expenses
Learn more about financial control >>
Creditcard match
- Can make a permanent match between credit card transactions and employees when an employee uses his credit card for the first time
- Learn more about making automatic match for e-transactions to users >>
Finance can also...
- ... View all transactions by status of all employees
- ... Move transactions from one employee to another
- ... View transactions pending approval at approvers
- ... Move transactions from one approver to another
- ... Search and see all the expenses made by all employees
- ... export settled expenses to ERP system
- ... make reconcilliation
Administrator role
The Administrator role allows a selected employee to set up and manage areas of Acubiz. Learn more about the features the administrator role can handle in Acubiz >>
- Create new users
- Disable users
- Change users personal information
- Change roles on users
- Change of affiliation (Approvers and secretaries)
- Manage postings, driving, diets, approval levels and much more
See how to work with users in Acubiz >>
Financial dimensions
- Create new financial dimension values
- Delete and disable existing dimension values
See how to work with financial dimensions in Acubiz >>
- Create new expense accounts in the chart of accounts
- Delete and deactivate cost accounts in the chart of accounts
- Working with type codes
- Create and update currencies as well as exchange rates
- Credit card accounting
See how to work with setting up postings in Acubiz >>
Other setup
- Change the email setup including content in emails sent from Acubiz
- Create and change the schedule for sending reminder emails
- Allowance rates
- Mileage rates
- Countries and currencies
See how to work with the other settings in Acubiz >>
Statistics role
The statistics role can be assigned to users who must be able to search and view all transactions but at the same time must not be able to make changes that a Finance role offers.
This role is often used to give an external auditor access to audit the booked transactions. See more about auditing access >>
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