When credit card transactions arrive at Acubiz, the transactions will be processed based on the matches created. The rule is that when Acubiz receives credit card transactions with a specific ID, these must be automatically moved out to a specific employee who must then settle these.
Acubiz assume that the employees have their own personal credit card, which they use in connection with their work. These credit cards are equipped with an ID (a key) from the credit card provider. This ID is used by Acubiz to make a match between the individual credit card transactions and an employee created in Acubiz. This match must be made by an Acubiz Pro-User (What is a Pro-User?) with the finance role in Acubiz.
One unique key per credit card
All credit card providers provide transactions with a unique ID per. employee and this key may be of different nature depending on the credit card provider. Several credit card providers offer the opportunity for the company to manage this ID themself and we often see that the key is, for example, the employee's initials or employee number. But the rule is that the ID (key) MUST be different per. credit card.
In order to be able to identify the employees 'credit card transactions from each other, Acubiz uses the individual employees' credit card ID (keys).
In the example below (with special names) the ID (key) is per. credit card marked in yellow.
Below it is shown that User DK has used his credit card 5 times and that all transactions are delivered with the same ID (key):
No credit card card number information is provided to Acubiz!
This means that every time employees use their credit card, their transactions will be stamped with their ID (key) and this information is used by Acubiz to distribute the transactions to the correct users. As the picture above shows, there are now transactions distributed over the 5 IDs (keys).
Note: The displayed name may not match the user's name in Acubiz (spelling errors, middle names, etc.) - but this is not critical at all.
Now 2 things can be done about these transactions before the users can process them in their App.
Create a permanent match between credit card and user (recommended)
A permanent match is created between the credit card ID and an Acubiz user and thus a permanent match of transactions to the selected employee (Automation). This only needs to be done once and means that Acubiz has now become "wiser" on which transactions belong to the individual users. Thus, the credit card transactions will automatically be delivered directly to users the next time they use their credit card
See how to create a permanent match between credit card and user >>
Move transactions to a user:
It is also possible to move individual transactions to a selected employee once without making a permanent match. This can be in situations with, for example, a virtual card where one person buys for several employees, where you can then move the different purchases to different users.
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