During your travels and your use of your credit card, it may often be necessary to withdraw cash on your credit card. There may be places in the world that does not accept credit cards and accept payment with cash only.
In Acubiz you must be aware that cash withdrawals on your credit cards, will be considered your money to own. This means that if you withdraw cash and settles the credit card transaction with the cash widthdrawal then the amount will be withdrawn in your salary - however this only happens when you send it for approval to your manager.
Settlement for your cash withdrawals:
Let us assume that you withdraw DKK 1,000 on the credit card in Denmark and now owe the company DKK 1,000.
DEBT to the company = DKK 1,000.00
You now use the withdrawn cash and take pictures of your receipts with Acubiz One and make cash expenses to balance out your debt (as above)
- 688,00 DKK on Taxi
- 36,00 DKK on a sandwitch
- 28,00 DKK on a cop of coffee
- 55,00 DKK on books and newspapers
In total, you have spent DKK 807.00 on the withdrawn money
CREDIT at the company = 807.00 DKK
The overview looks like this:
DEBT = DKK 1,000.00
CREDIT = 807.00 DKK
DIFF: = -193.00 that you owe the company
You now have 193.00 DKK in your pocket and will be deducted this amount in your next salary (this of course depends on the specific setup in relation to the company's rules and methods)
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