In Acubiz, a user can be set up to run Fast Track, which is a question of whether a user should send or be able to save expenses on the mobile phone (via Acubiz One). Fast Track is an administrative setup for the method the company wants users to make settlements on.
Fast Track information :
Activated - recommended by Acubiz
The user must complete his registrations at the same time as the registration is made. The reason why Acubiz recommends this feature is that it helps to get users to register AND send their expenses through Acubiz faster and thus be posted within the correct period. -
Not activated
The user can register his expenses and choose between saving for later settlement (send for approval) or settle immediately. So 2 options. The disadvantage is also that the user can easily forget to send their expenses for approval and thereby skew registrations and bookkeeping in the accountsystem.
Fast-track setup:
A user can be set up as follows with the following options
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