There may be situations where two (or more) employees travel together and one employee (User DK) eg has forgotten/lost his credit card, then the other employee (User Approver) uses his company credit card to make purchases for the other employee (User DK).
The problem may be that these transactions enter the User Approvers Acubiz profile, but do not want these transactions to burden his budget. User Approver contacts the finance department to get them to move these specific transactions to User DK so that this user can settle the costs on the right budget.
Only a financial user can perform this action
Finance can see all transactions that are on the individual employees and are the only ones with rights in Acubiz to make this transfer of transactions. The employees themselves can therefore not move transactions between each other. Do as follows:
Select Documents and All by Employee
In the Status list, select Current
Expand transactions for the user User Approver, who has made purchases for User DK with his credit card and mark the transactions to be moved
Press Change employee and select the new user who will have the transactions (User DK)
The transactions have now been moved from User Approver to User DK, which can now settle these transactions as if they were on the user's own credit card.
Note that a move of transactions does not affect the permanent match made on User Approvers' credit card transactions. Going forward, the user will still receive the transactions used on his company card.
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