NOTE: This feature is an acquisition feature in Acubiz. Contact Acubiz to inquire information about the availability in your Acubiz solution. |
Split of the cost at dimension level means that a transaction can be split into several values at the same dimension level. It is only possible to split at one and the same dimension level. Example could be a split on a "project dimension" or "department".
Split on department dimension (example)
This example shows how to make a split / distribution of the amount of DKK 5,000 on 2 departments. The following shows that the user belongs to the Sales department, but the IT Support department must pay 60% (DKK 3,000) of the total cost
To make the split, click on the already filled department, so that the overview of all departments is opened. Here, at present, only the Sales Department is selected
Now click on the "IT Support" department so that both departments are selected
Type of split
Now the two departments have been chosen and a decision must be made as to the type of distribution. The following split options are available:
Up to 20 departments can be split per. expenditure
Evenly split
The standard split is "evenly" ie 50/50 split of the amount
Percentage split
If there is to be an uneven split between the departments and this can be stated as a percentage, this split type is selected. Click on the pen to change the percentage split value on the individual department.
Note that the total split percentage must give 100%
Amount split
If there is to be an uneven split between the departments and this can be stated in amounts, this type of split is selected. Click on the pen to change the amount split value on the individual department.
Note that the total amount of split must be the same as the expense itself
When the split is entered correctly, click on the back arrow
And a dimension split has now been made on the department.
And the expense can be processed for final settlement.
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