Vendor setup
Acubiz invoice management requires creation of vendors. The vendor must be created with correct information specifically in relation to the company's accounting system for correct booking.
- Vendors in Acubiz are used to:
- locate the vendornumber in the company's accounting system
- locate standard setup on posting and dimensioning
- locate requester and approver
- CVR number is the key in matching between invoices and correct vendors
- Vendors must be created before an invoice can be sent to the requester
- No two Suppliers with the same CVR number is allowed in Acubiz, as the CVR number is a unique key
- If a vendor changes CVR number, this must be changed on the vendorsetup in Acubiz or a new vendor must be created in Acubiz with the correct CVR number.
Create vendor:
When a new vendor is to be created, select the item VENDORS and CREATE NEW
Enter the relevant information to be used:
- Name: The vendor's name must be unique
- CVR number: Enter the vendor's CVR number with the country code on the front (ex. DK12345678)
- Country: The vendor's country
- Vendor's VAT number: Often the same as CVR number
- Account in ERP: Account number on which the invoice must be posted in the financial system - typically the supplier's creditor number in the accounting system. It is this number on which the invoice is credited in the accounting system.
Finalize by pressing SAVE
After the vendor is saved, additional settings must be made.
Requester and approver at supplier level
If invoices are received from one vendor who usually has the same requester and/or approver (in more than 50% of cases), it is recommended to specify a standard requester and approver at vendor level.
This means that all invoices that arrive at Acubiz from this particular vendor will automatically be indicated with this requester and approver. You know your ordering methodology in your particular company whether this setup should be used on one or more vendors. You decide!
Send directly to requester:
If this option is activated, new invoices from this vendor will be automatically sent to the requester after scanning.
Note. No decision is made as to whether posting has been set up! If no posting is specified (below) this will need to be specified by the requester. Therefore, Acubiz recommends that if this function is used in connection with filling in the posting and dimensioning at vendor level so that the posting responsibility does not lie with the requester (in most cases this will not be the requester's task or competence).
Indication of standard posting at vendor level
Specifying sizing and posting at the vendor level will affect all new invoices when this vendor is selected on new invoices. Standard posting of up to 12 lines per. vendor (and thus invoice) but when scanning the invoice, the total amount will automatically be placed on the first line of posting and can be distributed on the other lines by the invoice processor.
Posting can of course be changed on the individual invoice. Standard indication of posting and dimensioning will be the most commonly used on this particular vendor.
It is not in all cases that specifying standard posting and sizing is optimal. In your particular company, you know this scenario better on the individual vendors.
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