Overall process flow for Invoice Management Service (IMS).
Processes outside Acubiz IMS:
- An email with attached PDF invoice will be sent to [org]@acubizinvoice.com
NB. Acubiz does not support signed / encrypted emails or password protected PDF files. - Payment from ERP to Bank / supplier
Processes within Acubiz IMS
Process and treatment in Acubiz IMS (see below)
Acubiz IMS works with different roles:
Invoice processor
User that handles incoming invoices
- Processing of incoming emails from vendors
- Make sure that the invoice is a valid invoice from a valid vendor
- Send invoice for scanning to lift invoice information and secure...
- Correct supplier
- Correct requester
- Correctly approves
- Correct posting for posting (not a requirement)
- Correct financial dimensions (not a requirement)
- Send invoice to requester for approval of delivery
The user that initiated the purchase to be processed in Acubiz IMS must approve the delivery
- Approve the delivery and send the invoice on in flow to any. approve
- Can reject invoice and send back in flow to invoice processor
- Make changes to invoice information
- Change requester if the wrong requester is selected based on the supplier setup or by the invoice processor
- Change approver if incorrect approver is selected based on the vendor setup or by the invoice processor
- Fill in or update the posting of the invoice (usually filled in by the invoice processor)
- Select or change the correct financial dimensions (eg department)
Approver / Manager
User that approves invoices (if approval is selected)
- Approve the invoice and send the invoice on in flow to any. financial control
- Can reject invoice and send back in flow to the requester
- Make changes to invoice information
- Change requester if the wrong requester is selected based on the supplier setup or by the invoice processor
- Change approver if incorrect approver is selected based on the vendor setup or by the invoice processor
- Fill in or update the posting of the invoice (usually filled in by the invoice processor)
- Select or change the correct financial dimensions (eg department)
User that handles the final flow and export to ERP
- Approve invoices for posting in the accounts
- Possibly. reject back in flow to approver
- Check that the invoice is correct
- Correct supplier
- Correct posting
- Correct dimensioning
- Export to accounting system
User who creates vendors, accounts and other settings and is not involved in the invoice handling flow.
Setting up access and rights >>
Work flow in Acubiz IMS
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