Employee accounting
In Acubiz, there will be transactions that affect the employee personally. It can be transactions where the employee gets refunds or the employee owes the company money.
Account setup
For each individual user in Acubiz, entries must be set up so that these are posted correctly in the accounting system. Go to ADMIN => USERS and find the individual user to set up or change these accounts. Go to the item (at the bottom of the user profile) ACCOUNT INFORMATION.
Here are the following posting fields:
Note that the setup may be different depending on your company's setup in Acubiz.
What do the different postings do:
All postings affect the accounting system through the cost accounting - ie. on transactions that have been through the Acubiz flow [2].
An account number and an account type must be entered on all postings
This account will post
- Cash outlays (receivable / credit)
- Cash withdrawal and private purchases on company credit card (due / debit)
These types of postings will also trigger a resp. salary deduction or salary payment via a possible wage exports from Acubiz, if used.
This account will post
As a rule, the setup in Acubiz is that these types of transactions only come out in a salary export and therefore not posted directly in the accounting system from Acubiz. If salary exports are used for this, then the field is left blank.
Postings to this account will take place without the transactions undergoing employee handling or approval flow. This happens when advances must be deducted from the cash register and deposited in an advance intermediate account (this setup)
This account will post:
If advance payments are not used in Acubiz, this field will not be visible.
If the company has privately paid company credit cards - ie. where the employee himself pays the bill from the credit card company, then the employee must still settle his company-related costs and these will be posted to this account. By default this account will be the same as the account for CASH EXPENSES, but can be different from this if needed.
- The posting principle is the same as Cash expenses (receivable / credit)
If privately paid company credit cards are not used in the company, this field will not be visible.
By default setup cash withdrawals on credit cards are posted to the same account setup as CASH EXPENSES. However, if the company wants a different posting, a different account can be set in the field. If the field is blank, the same posting as CASH EXPENSES is used.
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