NOTE: The sharing function (native sharing) is part of your phone's operating system. Therefore, check the exact method of sharing to another app in your phone's manual. |
The receipt is often received digitally by email as a PDF file and using a smartphone or tablet, it is easy to share a PDF receipt directly to Acubiz. This is done as follows:
Important. Acubiz does not support handling PDF files with password protection or PDF files that are encrypted (e.g. digital signature or other encryption). In these cases, it will be necessary to take a screenshot of the PDF file or save a copy without the above protection or encryptions. |
Find the desired PDF to share for Acubiz.
Once you have opened the PDF file (either via your archive or via an email attachment), tap the share icon:
Then select SHARE FILE VIA to open the sharing options
Select Acubiz in the list.
Acubiz is not available as an option
If Acubiz is not in the list, it must be activated
This is done by pressing more:
Then select Acubiz in the overview.
Fill in your settlement.
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