In Acubiz, the final control of transactions is carried out before a bookkeeping file is created for the ERP system - FINANCE CONTROL.
Check the expenses
When settled costs come to Finance's control, they have gone through the EMPLOYEE -> APPROVE flow.
When the expenses have been approved by the employee's approver, a financial check of the attachment must be carried out in relation to correct accounting, correct attachment and correct VAT.
Above is a list of costs that are subject to approval by Finans.
Finance has (usually) the following check of costs:
- Are the expenses posted correctly
- Can the documentation be read and does it match the expense (correct receipts)
- Is dimensioning correct (Department, project, etc.)
The finance department also has the opportunity to make corrections to the cost posting and dimensioning. Once the costs have been checked through, there are 2 options:
Approve the expense
Upon approved verification, the transaction is prepared to be exported to the accounting system
Decline the expense
In the event of rejection, a decision must be made
- Should the expense be sent back to either employee or approver
- A description of why the expense is rejected
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