Release notes R7.33
Released 21-10-2024.
New functions
- Payment overview when importing payment references
New generic driving profile 000 with extended options
- New options for high/low rate reset / count selection: annual, monthly, daily, trip
- Support for tax-free and tax-free rates and wage codes
- Calculation is shown in the Changelog of the transaction
Norwegian allowance:
- Rates are now updated based on Norges Nationalbank (using exchange rates)
Deletion of data
- ADMIN: Company information for handling automatic deletion of data (GDPR etc.)
Dimensional control before export.
- More secure dimension validation at export time
- DK: Tax-free travel allowance when using your own bicycle.
Search Report items:
- EMS: Start and end kilometers on driving records added
- EMS: TransactionID element added
- TIME: EMSID element added to search report
- Allowance with MULTI countries are now listed in the search report with each country listed, instead of MULTI
- Various fixes in salary export + Data salary handling
- Fix in allowance which now gives correct start/end times
- Fix in Norwegian mileage records with the number of passengers
- Fix in 050 mileage registrations with surcharge
- Fix of employee imports
- Fix for VAT handling on cost types where VAT is set to “No”, even though VAT codes are filled in.
Export files in SFTP folders
- Files are now finalized in .temp folders, and then moved to the folder from which they are normally retrieved. The temp folders are managed, like the rest of the folder structure, by Acubiz and must not (and cannot) be deleted.
If you have scripts or similar tools that automatically retrieve files and delete them afterward, it is important to ensure that they do not attempt to delete all content in the folder, but only the files you are retrieving. If you currently have a script that retrieves *.* and subsequently deletes *.*, it should be changed to retrieve, for example, *.csv, *.txt or *.xml.
- Files are now finalized in .temp folders, and then moved to the folder from which they are normally retrieved. The temp folders are managed, like the rest of the folder structure, by Acubiz and must not (and cannot) be deleted.
- General improvements and optimizations
FIX: Change to German allowance rates (Per diem)
Released 08-04-2024.
On 26 February, we updated the rate for domestic travel based on official notices from 14EUR -> 16EUR and 28EUR -> 32EUR. This change was revoked on 22 March and therefore we are updating the domestic rate back to 14/28 EUR.
- If you have allowances that have not been exported yet, these can be put back for financial control and saved. This will update the calculation with the updated rates and can then be exported correctly.
- If you have allowances for financial control, these must be saved, as this will update the calculation with the updated rates.
- If there are allowances that have already been exported from Acubiz, these must be manually handled in your payroll system.
Release notes R7.32
Released 25-01-2024.
General system
New features
- CO2 Tracker functionality
- Addition of taxable driving line with own salary type (Norway: 031)
- Finance: When setup using dimension grouping, it is now possible to filter on the individual dimension values
- In the case of an error/inactive dimension, the error message must include the dimension description in relation to the financial control
- Financial control: The specification box must be displayed in full in the Swedish solution with extended fields for overriding bookkeeping values.
- Setting up the manual credit card feature only changes the setup of users in the solution that uses the feature.
- System account private purchase on credit card now works with account split
- German legislative requirements for reports implemented in standard (Columbia)
- German diets optimized
- Search payment date (SEPA) will be incorrect if you use a different prefix than the default
- Norwegian diets: Tax-free fails with 0 entry for tax-free portion.
- Norwegian diets: writing the wrong time
- Norwegian driving: Passenger allowance does not add up to the number of passengers.
- Small amounts are converted to 0 and cannot be sent for approval
- Problem with "/" in category names in overviews
- When you move a transaction from one employee to another, the change is now shown in the log
Acubiz App.
- Push notification functionality for the Acubiz App
IMS (Invoice Management Service)
New feature:
- Possibility of adding VAT amounts in the search report
- Inclusion of attachments from IMS when exporting
- Mails are stuck in processing
New feature
- Configuration for export: Country in export file name
- Posting: Offset of dimension values on provisions via the cost file can now be done on the same dimension, even if the user has changed the dimension.
New feature
- Possibility of uploading the payment status of paid transactions (outlays)
Time (Time recording)
- When creating new categories, dimension level 2 (Dim2) was displayed regardless of setup.
Release Notes R7.31
Released 16/5-2023
Existing customers with version 7.27/7.30, without customizations, will be upgraded over the month of June/July.
New features:
Financial control
- On e-Transactions under financial control, it is now possible to change the country on the transaction itself, in cases where the wrong VAT code is entered due to the country.
Search report
- Optimization of search report. Now finance can search dimension levels which are hidden from the end users.
- Information about deducted "home-work" distance can now be selected as a separate element in a search report.
- New fields in the search report which can show the specific file names in which the transaction has been exported. This applies to file types such as costs, provision, invoice, salary etc.
- Created requirement that a name must be specified in the view profile, before it can be saved.
Status mail
- Reminder email setup has been removed in favor of exclusively use status mails functionalities.
IMS: Supplier invoice
- IMS: If an invoice ends up in "being processed", a function has been introduced so that the customer can move it back to "new" and send it again.
- IMS: Introduced search field on suppliers and accounts
- Function buttons in the Invoice Management System (Supplier invoice) have been changed to be buttons with text labels and not icons, to optimize understanding and intuitiveness.
Cost types
- For solutions using 3 VAT codes, these are shown in the overview with cost types.
- Cost type overviews, which displayed inactive cost types, now only show active cost types.
Web interface
- Update of language elements for translations for better understanding in general.
- Optimizing logic to show/hide fields on credit card setups.
- Optimizing the sorting of the TIME categories view on the web for the administrator
- Overviews with TIME registrations, buttons have been introduced to be able to fold all elements in and out.
- Optimizing reports containing the file name of the export file in which the transaction is exported.
- In solutions with several companies, the "selector" is now language controlled and changed to "Change company".
- Some elements have been moved on the user's master data information.
- Clarification of search report function with text label in connection with search icon.
- Create account button on the employee's master data has been removed. The function is used instead when matching transactions under NOT ASSOCIATED in Finance.
Import of master data
- Introduced cleanup logic on import of master data (users and dimensions) so that import reports (not data) are automatically deleted if they are older than 9 months.
- The file extension on attached receipts is kept in original formatting (uppercase and lowercase letters).
- IMS: Optimization of the proxy function across primary and secondary companies, which triggered errors that the dimension was not active.
- When creating a new TIME category, the entered name will be displayed correctly after the first save.
- Optimization of formatting layout in sent emails.
- Optimization of the "change account name" function, so that you can see that an account is being renamed.
- Menu with allowance profiles is hidden if allowance is not activated in the solution.
- Several overviews optimized for correct display
- Optimization of menu stylesheets
- When activating the required comment on a cost type, a system requirement has been introduced that the field with explanatory text must be filled in before saving.
- The pool car dimension appears even if no one else dimension levels is activated.
- Buttons for fold in/out are only shown if they are relevant in ready to export costs.
- With Norwegian allowance is a language element removed, which was only intended for testing.
- Pop up during test export of supplier invoices has been removed.
- Import Fields now sorted alphabetically.
- Optimization of system control on transactions where the country is blank.
- On the search report form, fields for pool cars are now only displayed when pool cars are activated.
- Redundant elements removed from web interface
Release Notes R7.30
Released 15/4-2023
Existing customers with version 7.27, without customizations, will be upgraded over the month of April/May.
New features:
User administration
- The same user can make expenses in several solutions (Add-on function). Read more ->
- New menu with display of Multiple EMS users
- New menu with display of IMS users and approval proxy
- The same user can make expenses in several solutions (Add-on function). Read more ->
Approval flow
- Extended approval flow on dimensions specifying multiple approvers. (Additional function). Read more ->
- Setting up CPM for specifying amount limits on costs for approval (As finance approval) (Add-on function). Read more ->
Extraction of data from Acubiz
- Expanded search report with more fields
- Driving type has been added as a search field in the search module
- The IMS proxy value is now included in the extract of user master data and in the user overview
Automation functions
- Extended options for customizing export scheduling.
- Extended options for customizing import scheduling.
- EMS is automatically available if you are an approver for users in countries other than your own country if users are updated automatically via file import.
- Separate debit and credit columns in the export (Add-on function)
- Export setup: More options for naming export files (case, lead and trail)
- It is now integrated against the e-Conomics REST API and not the old SOAP API
- Various updates of field-label names in the web solution (also applies to previous versions)
- Problem with a function only working the first time.
- The Second Approve feature now works as it should in Time
- Dimension text value can no longer contain %
- Split documents no longer get different status
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