Releasenotes - R7.27
Version 7.27 of Acubiz is quality assured and the first customers will be upgraded week 27.
There are two main focus areas in this release of Acubiz. We have improved the way we handle accounting dimensions , and we have optimized our applications with additional levels of security.
1) Improving the handling of financial dimensions
The goal of the previous version (v. 7.26) was to enable you to become even more flexible in the way you handle bookkeeping dimensions - including the allowed values at dimensionlevel, dimension names and booking values. Unfortunately, an inconvenience crept through our quality assurance, which meant that a few customers have experienced missing dimensions in the voter lists.
The inconvenience has been fixed with release 7.27.
2) Additional security levels in our applications
Acubiz generally has a high level of security in our solutions, and with Visma as our new owner, the requirements have been tightened further. Therefore, in version 7.27, we have, among other things, laid external security layers around our solutions, as the internal security as an authorized user has also been further optimized.
In addition, we have made a number of minor visual and functional adjustments to enhance the user experience.
We have also optimized in the following areas:
- Improved allowance management in Norway
- Improved allowance management in Finland
- Optimized the Danish pool car solution
- Optimized naming of information in the allowance calculation in Denmark
Improvements to Acubiz Invoice:
- Challenge when searching for suppliers is optimized
- Inadequacy with relationship between dimensions and accounts is corrected
- Irregular performance in searches is corrected
- Currency-driven power of attorney matrix is implemented
- Better display of PDF invoices in a separate window
Functions to support features in Acubiz One:
- Overall permission (at solution level) for the user to save photos in the camera roll on his smartphone
- Possibility to allow or omit photos / attachments on allowance registrations
All PRO users are of course very welcome to contact our support team if they have questions about functionality.
Releasenotes – R7.26
Insight into the financial engine
News in our various solutions (app):
Under preparation ###
Releasenotes – R7.25
EMS (Expenses) / General
- New country rules set: Slovenia
- Handling round trips on Finnish allowance
- Functionality available in Acubiz One from version 2.6.5!
- Step-by-step authorization based on power of attorney, also valid for Out Of Office - purchase function
- Means that all approvers must approve until the last, approve with power of attorney can finally approve.
- Status mail with display of details at transaction level
- If the approver changes to another approver in Acubiz One, the change will be logged
- Email format optimized for emails sent from Acubiz
- Possibility to make more than 10 splits on dimension via web.
- Optimization of exports
- When opting out of credit cards, cash should only be an option in APP
- Optimization of dimensional updates
- Optimization of travel settlement handling by dimensional split
- Optimization of audit history at transaction level
- Optimization of the display of vouchers / receipts
- Optimization of the extract of Masterdata
- Optimizing the date display in local formats
- Optimization of specifying dimensions from raw table (web)
- Optimizing view profiles for searches
- Optimization of error selection when dimensioning
- Optimization of deletion of vouchers from travel settlement
- Optimization of dimensional split
- Optimization of calculation in Norwegian allowance
- Errors corrected on Swedish allowance
- Optimization of display rate on mileage
- Night allowance are omitted from KATRE exports
- Optimization of KATRE data
- Optimization of calculation of mealmoney
IMS (Supplier invoice)
- Reposting an invoice in Acubiz One (only if posted in advance)
- Load OIOUBL invoices with attached specification
- Import of vendors and extracting vendor data
- Apply the power of attorney for approval, as in Acubiz Expense (EMS)
- Searchable dropdown for accounts on invoice
- Return URL for viewing documents from accounting system
- Optimization of exports
- Invoice is displayed in the correct window
- Checking duplicate invoice number by automatically sending to requester
- Optimization of dimension-controlled chart of accounts
- Exporting search results gives correct result based on role
- Optimization of amount display on invoice lines with only one line, set on supplier
Releasenotes R7.24
Acubiz One
- NEW:
- Possibility of further configuration of dimension setup per. account
- Must dimension level be visible or hidden
- Able to edit in the dimension level or not
- Is filling in the dimension level mandatory or voluntarily
- Set a default dimension value
- Ready for OIOUBL XML invoices are converted to PDF files and can thus be displayed in Acubiz One
- With many dimension values, dimension levels can be activated as "live search" and thus not downloaded locally on the phone
- Possible to force new users of Acubiz One to create a local passcode to open the app (besides regular login)
- Possibility of further configuration of dimension setup per. account
- Optimization:
- Error messages in the App
- Bug fix:
- Type is incorrectly set on transaction if cash withdrawal is selected in App
EMS: (Expense Management)
- NEW:
- Possibility of manual e-trans upload from banks that cannot provide data to Acubiz
- Updating user data on transaction can now be selected whether dimensions are to be updated or not
- Optimization:
- Button texts on exported invoiced e-transactions
- Viewing current status of a name change is in progress on the user
- Extract Master Data: Remove restriction on display of dimension-controlled accounts
- Update of save routine on dimensions with dimension-controlled accounts
- Possibility of easier choice whether an export is a test export or a real export
- Bug fix:
- Various overviews show errors with many transactions in the view
- Optimization of manual creation of dimensions
- It is not possible to search for singles of transaction type units
- Finance cannot delete advances
- Error using Save & Close in advance if employee is not selected
- Information (help) icons on user master data do not work
- In text e-mails (New password or welcome) there are links to the old Acubiz apps
- Finance may reject transactions back to the approver even if the approver flow is deselected.
- Status / reminder emails are not always received
- Time section is displayed during user creation even if TIME is not activated
IMS: (Invoice Management)
- Bug fix:
- Problems with exporting supplier invoice under certain conditions
- Requester approval via finance tab fails
- Optimization:
- Better display of time registrations is exported under "Financial (settled)"
- Export of time registration transactions with dimension values
- Design on menu structure
Release notes version 7.22
New features
- NGO employee
- New export profiles: KATRE and SEPA
Optimization of existing features
EMS/APP Improvements of handling by dimension approver
EMS /APP Credit card: Currency to be checked for matching transaction with picture
EMS Finnish allowance: Improvement of salary export and Improvement of handling of ’Night allowance
EMS Allowance: Improvement of rounding up/off amount
EMS Staff: Improvement of saving the document after changing password
EMS Improvement of deactivating MCC code
EMS UK driving: Improvement of handling the rate of ‘Actual gas rate’
EMS Improvement of SEPA export for negative amount
EMS NGO employee: Improvement of set-up of fast tracker
EMS Norwegian allowance (032): Improvement of handling negative amounts
EMS Improvement of import of dimensions and employees (extra spaces)
EMS Improvement to avoid double exports
EMS E-transactions view to be shown with all transactions
EMS Improvement of handling by mandatory alternative approver.
IMS Improvement of the view for requestor/manager, with a name with apostrophe
IMS Improvement of handling VAT code set-up in Vendor
IMS Mandatory manager: To be controlled first at requestor.
Releasenotes version 7.21
EMS Improvements of recon views
EMS Improvment of employee import
EMS E-trans import optimized for specific MMC code omission
EMS NEW VAT code field for EU VAT
EMS Web service / API optimization by dimension ID
EMS Function for activating / deactivating the sending of a link to EMS when sending e-mail
IMS Auto-submitted invoice to requestor is optimized
IMS Optimization of supplier selection on invoice
IMS Optimization of copy of invoice lines from other invoice, to current invoice
IMS Optimization of flow without approver
IMS Optimizing of search vendor in Firefox
IMS Optimization of languages in accounts with dimsection controlled accounts
IMS Optimization of, account split on invoice
IMS Support for PDF embedded as Base 64 in email is now supported
IMS Optimization of email tracking for invoices
IMS Optimization that invoices can only be corrected when the invoice is at the user
IMS NEW: Forced account-level comment
Release notes - Acubiz EMS R7.20
The latest update of Acubiz EMS focuses on more and easier administration using new features for ADMIN. In addition to new features, there are existing features that have been looked at to make them easier and / or being able to “do more” as well as many improvements.
New features
- (EMS): Possibility for Acubiz Pro-User (What is a Pro-User?) to generate a CSV extract with either user data, Dimension data or Chart of accounts. See instructions here
- (EMS): With automated user data import, it is now possible to view and delete Temporary Documents + make it possible to change the search key on user documents. This increases the self-service opportunities for users who change ID-key and thus cannot be updated. Se instructions here
- (EMS): Additional menus/listings with import files - By Date (as now), By Type and By Status
- (EMS): Add grouping of Acubiz Pro-User (What is a Pro-User?) and number of individual groups in the "Groups" list in Admin
- (EMS): Allows finance to move transactions back from Exported E-Transactions PreReg (Immediate) to Ready for Export
- (IMS): Duplicate invoice - Alert if same invoice number from the same supplier.
- (IMS): Ability to copy the account from a previous invoice on on same vendor.
Optimization of existing features
- Support for Finnish (FI) driving rules
- Change to Finnish standard salary file regarding allowance (and meal money)
- Summary with 'Dataløn' information if 'DataLøn' is used
- Default for fields for creating cost types. Applies to VAT, Requirements for reciepts. The "Additional information" section is moved to the bottom.
- Export file function "SHOW FILE" now supports the display of "Fixed Format" and XML files
- Change in usability of text in mail regarding imports of NOT MATCHED e-transactions.
- Link to EMS (Web) is removed from all emails sent from STAFF / EMS / TIME
- Make the status of SEND PASSWORD (TO ALL) visible so you have no doubt when it is complete.
- New section with Bank account on employee profile - if this is to be used/activated.
- Better logic in hiding non-relevant account fields on employee master data if features are disabled in the individual Acubiz solution.
- The menu item with VAT split is hidden if the function is not activated in the solution.
- Reconcilliation views do not include transactions that are under "NOT MATCHED" as they are not exported to ERP system (Change to reservations to the existing reconcilliation method).
- Duplicate reports are now stored for more than 10 weeks.
- It is now possible to choose Cash withdrawal on Credit Card as an account for a search criteria
- Searching now shows the advance currency code in the search result
- Total/sum is now correct in the list of exported when there are splited transactions
- Expenses with amount that breaches Company Policy (CPM) are now included in the CPM report
- Copy of user does not duplicate SearchKey
- Inactive dimensions are now not displayed in the allowable dimensions overview of dimension controlled accounts
- Update to rule set 032 for allowance and 031 for mileage (both in Norway)
- Manual credit card solution has fixed "translation" on DimX
- Multiple account support (more than 100)
- IMS: Support for AmountWithoutSign and SAPPostingKey in EMS export
- IMS: Requester (employee role only with access to Invoice) now displays database menu in OneStaff solution
- IMS: The list of 2. approves (manager) now follows the rights specified by the user
- Dimensional setup in EMS and IMS can now be separated from each other. What to display for EMS and what to display in IMS.
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